I liked Avengers: Infinity War quite a bit, but the flaws of it did linger way stronger over the period of time since seeing it. That said, I have been curious to see if the follow-up will retroactively make Infinity War better in any capacity, or if it’s something that will feel wholly its own. We finally have the title (which is exactly what we all thought it was going to be) and the first trailer (not that we really needed it, to be honest) for Avengers: Endgame!

This is definitely operating as a teaser than a regular trailer, which is appropriate enough, I suppose. I’d rather not know a whole lot going in since I’m already on board. It covers everything I would’ve expected, “Hey, Thanos did the thing, and now we gotta get together and stop him! Oh, and Stark is floating in space.”

It is cool to see Hawkeye again, but aside from that, there’s not a lot new here, which – again – is alright with me. Though, it does seem to be the kind of teaser designed for countless speculation articles, at least until we get the next trailer. I’ve heard a number of crazy things about what possibly in the movie, so I’m definitely curious to see how it all plays out. It’s a solid enough tease for things to come.

What are your thoughts on the first Avengers: Endgame trailer? Was it worth the wait? Is it getting you hyped? Feel free to discuss in the comments!