
We still get excited for Jackie Chan movies, right? No? I do feel like a lot of people slept on The Foreigner, and Bleeding Steel was kind of OK. He’s definitely not in his peak anymore, hell, I even heard that he nearly drowned in a stunt for this film. I just can’t bring myself to totally discount whatever this guy makes because his skills are just so fun to see, and he’s a seminal part of my experience watching movies growing up and learning to appreciate the craft behind them. This doesn’t look great, but I can see a few spots where there seems to be some cool choreography and stunt work. Not gonna hold my breath for it, but it might be one I catch down the road.

Vanguard opens in select theaters on November 20th.


The Stand-In

I think I like the idea of this movie more than the movie itself, at least based on what I’ve seen here. It has one of those late 2000s studio comedy trailer vibe, and sometimes the way the trailer is constructed may not represent the tone of the film. I am curious though because it’s directed by Jamie Babbit, who made the iconic 90s film But I’m Just A Cheerleader. She’s done plenty since then, but I still need to catch up on most of them. Also, I just like Drew Barrymoore, and I like that’s she’s been having this soft renaissance for the past five years or so, and all the little clips of her talk show that I stumble upon are really charming. She looks like she’s having fun here, maybe that’s enough. We’ll see.

The Stand-In hits select theaters and VOD platforms on December 11th.


The Killing Of Two Lovers

Somehow when I first say the trailer, I didn’t pay attention to the title, so I wasn’t anticipating the it taking such a sudden dark turn. Man, this looks tense as hell. I’m really intrigued by it. I haven’t heard of this director,  Robert Machoian. This isn’t his first film, but after going through his filmography on IMDb, it’s definitely his most high-profile, especially with Neon releasing. Don’t have a lot to say about it other than it looks super promising to me, and I can’t wait to see it.

The Killing Of Two Lovers is set to hit theaters on February 23rd, 2021.


LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special

This looks fun. I wonder if the folks behind this were just like “screw it, we’ll just do Avengers: Endgame, let’s just send them back in time to all the other movies.” It does look cute and silly in all the ways you’d expect for one of these LEGO movies. I’m reminded at just how soft I was in my review for The Rise Of Skywalker, which only gets worse as time passes. But hey, at least this might be a nicer note to end on for these newer characters. I do hope it actually goes into some of the weirder stuff from the original Holiday Special, and not just do vague Christmas musings as the music would suggest.

LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special will be available on Disney+ on November 17th.


My Psychedelic Love Story

I hate to say it, but I’m really lazy when it comes to watching documentaries, and I don’t know why. However, Errol Morris is someone who always gets my attention. The guy is an absolute legend in his field, and whatever he does is worth a look, this being no exception. I don’t know a ton about the background aside from what little I’ve read about this Timothy Leary guy. I’m surprised we haven’t gotten any movies about him. Either way, the hook here is interesting, the Morris’ style is on point as always. I will definitely try to seek this out when it’s released.

My Psychedelic Love Story will premiere on Sunday, November 29 at 9/8c on Showtime.


The Very Excellent Mr. Dundee

Look guys, Paul Hogan does not have a lot going on right now, so I think we should just let him have this. I mean, the dude’s whole career is built on and around the foundation of the success he got with Crocodile Dundee back in 1986, and having gotten an Oscar nod in addition to its unprecedented financial success, it’s not hard to see why. I suppose going meta is the one new space they could explore with this character and Hogan’s handling of its legacy, and that does sound like it could be fun. I did have a couple chuckles in the trailer, but it doesn’t really look very good. I hope I’m wrong.

The Very Excellent Mr. Dundee will be released on VOD platforms on December 11th.


Thoughts on any of the trailers? Feel free to discuss in the comments!