
Look, I don’t need this. I’m already sold on the next Jordan Peele movie. Get Out was so good, I’ll watch whatever he does. But, yeah, this is a pretty sweet trailer. I also noticed that it’s editing style is also extremely similar to Get Out’s trailer, and I don’t mean in that superficial way many horror trailers are, but the specific uses of cuts, music cues, the slightly playful beats. I didn’t need to see Jordan Peele’s name to realize this is a Jordan Peele movie, which is neat. I wonder if the same guy or team cut this up. Anyway, this looks great, can’t wait.

Us hits theaters on March 15th, 2019.



Yeah, I guess I’d be freaked out too if I was being stalked by Isabelle Huppert. I think they give away just a bit too much, but it still looks like it could be fun. I didn’t realize Neil Jordan had a new movie coming up. He’s not a household name, but he’s made enough awesome movies that he’ll always have my attention. He did The Crying Game, Interview With A Vampire, Michael Collins, Byzantium, dude’s legit. This could go either way, but I feel like a movie like this, either done seriously or super campy, would still be at least entertaining. A movie like this just doesn’t need to be boring.

Greta will open on March 1st, 2019.



When was the last really good biker movie? I can’t think of anything off the top of my head, and while I haven’t seen it, I have heard that Sons of Anarchy show is quite good. The Australian flair here might be a neat change of pace to the stuff we’re already used to. It looks appropriately grimy, and it’s got a slick look. I’m in.

Outlaws will open in select theaters on February 1st, 2019.


Teen Spirit

This looks fine. I mean, it’s basically, hey, let’s make a movie about a contestant on one of those singing competition shows. I guess you could do a whole lot worse, but it does seem to be missing an angle of some kind. But who knows, maybe it’s simplicity and straightforwardness will work to its advantage.

Teen Spirit will be released in theaters on April 5th, 2019.



I thought I talked about the teaser for this a while back, and but I couldn’t find it, so apparently not. Anyway, this looks really awesome. A cool blend of multiple genres, and it looks beautifully made. This is going to be a series, and a second season is already in development. I would normally be worried about them stretching out material, but this is apparently based on a webcomic series, so perhaps there’s a lot of story to cover. Either way, I’m very curious about this.

Kingdom will hit Netflix on January 25th, 2019.


Thoughts on any of the trailers? Feel free to discuss in the comments.