Saw X

My memory of the Saw movies are pretty light, I wasn’t a huge fan of them, not that I thought they were bad, they just weren’t something I was looking forward to when they were coming out every year. It looks like the two recent ones that tried to breathe some new life didn’t pan out, so they went back to basics with Tobin Bell returning, and you know what, good for him, I’m glad he has this weird franchise to fall back on. I’m sure I’ll have a decent time with it, I like me a gore fest, but I’m also not expecting a whole lot.

Saw X hits theaters on September 29th.


Bad Things

The Shining is one of my favorite films, so anything that might take inspiration from it in some way will probably appeal to me. I think this looks pretty cool, even if the really low budget does seem a bit apparent. But horror is a flexible genre, and one that can often transcend budget limitations, so I’m curious to see how this film will do that. Consider me intrigued.

Bad Things will begin streaming on Shudder and AMC+ on August 18th.



I haven’t heard much about this, but from what little I saw, there’s been comparisons to the works of Jim Jarmusch, which is really interesting, and I can kinda see why just based on this trailer. I do like the vibe it’s going for, and I think it has the potential to take that kind of influence and make something of its own with it. The character seems compelling, I like the cast, this could be a bit of a surprise for people on the lookout in the indie space.

Fremont opens in select theaters on August 25th.


The Good Mother

I can maybe see the potential here, but I can also see this ending up as a pretty generic crime/mystery thriller, which I admittedly would be pretty fine with since I do dig those kinds of stories. But as far as just the trailer goes, it’s not really doing a good job at selling what makes this story interesting and unique. If word on it is good, I’ll give it a shot, the cast certainly looks solid enough. We’ll see once it’s released.

The Good Mother hits select theaters on September 1st.



Not a ton of new trailers this week, so I’m bringing out the recent trailer for Strays, which I’m sure I covered previously. My feelings on this hasn’t changed. I’m definitely excited to see it. It looks funny. I like the people involved. Kinda wish they didn’t spoil the Dennis Quaid cameo, that would have been a nice surprise in the theater. But it’s already close to release date, so the odds of a lot of people seeing this before they go watch the movie is pretty slim. Anyway, still excited.

Strays hits theaters on August 18th.


Loki Season 2

I have a feeling there’s going to be a lot more Jonathan Majors in this, and they’re trying really hard to hide it while they can. It’s too bad, cause this does look pretty fun. I honestly don’t recall a lot from the first season, at least in terms of details, I remember broad moments, and enough of them consistently throughout the season to say that it’s easily one of the better MCU shows, even if I still didn’t necessarily love it. This looks more ambitious, and I hope they’re able to do something interesting.

Loki Season 2 premieres exclusively on Disney+ on October 6th.


Thoughts on any of the trailers? Feel free to discuss in the comments!