
It’s a bummer that we won’t be able to see the new Predator film on the big screen, but other than that, this is exciting. I’ve been wanting to see a Predator film like this for a very long time, where we simply go to a different area/time period, and drop the Predator, and see what happens. I enjoyed 10 Cloverfield Lane, and I hope that there is a proper attention to period detail here, especially with the Native American tribe this is set within, the Comanche, I believe. There’s a lot of potential, so I’ll be cautiously optimistic about this.

Prey hits Hulu on August 5th.



I didn’t realize this was also coming out this year. I’m sure I mentioned this under my reaction to one of the Top Gun: Maverick trailers, but I dig the hell out of Joseph Kosinski, I love his aesthetic, his visual style, and I’ve really enjoyed all his movies, and I hear his Top Gun is great. So, I’m hoping the trend continues with this. I also like seeing Christ Hemsworth in a more sinister role, I thought he did wonderfully in Bad Times At The El Royale, so this is great to see him tap into that once again. Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick aren’t necessarily my favorite writers, but it seems like as long as they’re working with a director who knows what they’re doing, the film will turn out alright.

Spiderhead will be released on Netflix on June 17th.


Good Luck To You, Leo Grande

I have never seen a “Written and Created By” credit for a film before, especially considering it isn’t an adaptation of a book or play or something that would usually have that kind of credit. So strange. Anyway, this looks really cool and refreshing. We rarely see a movie about this kinda thing, starring people like this, that seems as judgment-free as this does. Plus, who’s gonna say no to Emma Thompson. I’ll definitely keep my out out for this.

Good Luck To You, Leo Grande will hit Hulu on June 17th.


Jerry & Marge Go Large

I was kinda hoping they would explain what the flaw is that they were able to take advantage of, but whatever. This looks fine, like a totally serviceable feel-good movie with actors that you can rely on to do good work. I’m curious how accurate this is to the trust story, which I hadn’t even heard about. Not something I’ll be rushing to see, but I’ll check it out.

Jerry & Marge Go Large will be released on Paramount Plus on June 17th.


Brian And Charles

I heard a lot of great things about this when it premiered at Sundance, and I can kinda see why people liked this so much. It’s super charming and funny, and it’s got a weird set of characters. It’s almost whimsical, but it’s still set in Wales, so it all looks gloomy as hell, which is a fun contrast. Not a ton to pick apart with this trailer, it gets the job done, I really want to see this.

Brian And Charles opens in select theaters on June 17th.


Cha Cha Real Smooth

I thought the director’s previous film, Shithouse, was alright. This looks to have a similar vibe, so I’m not entirely sure if this will resonate with me. But it doesn’t look bad, I should say. It looks fine. Plus, you got a killer supporting cast here, which can certainly help elevate some iffy material, if that were to be the case. So, not a ton here that is appealing to me, but that’s more a me thing than a movie thing, so if this looks like something you’ll enjoy, I hope you like it.

Cha Cha Real Smooth hits select theaters and Apple TV+ on June 17th.


Thoughts on any of the trailers? Feel free to discuss in the comments!