Montana Story

There is a moment in the middle of the trailer, when you hear that thunder where I thought it was going to take a super dark turn or something, but then it just keeps going with the small drama vibes, that was very weird. Aside from that, it’s a lovely trailer. A little longer than it needs to be given the simplicity of the basic premise, but that’s no big deal. I really dig Haley Lu Richardson, and she keeps picking the most interesting projects when I feel she could easily go mainstream. If she’s in something, I want to see it, and this looks like it will be a nice, little movie.

Montana Story hits theaters on May 13th.


Thor: Love And Thunder

I enjoyed Thor: Ragnarok well enough, even if I didn’t necessarily love it like a lot of folks did. And this is looking pretty cool to me. I like what they’re selling here, though I’m sure what we see here only represents a fraction of what is going to be in the film. No sign of the villain played by Christian Bale, but it’s a teaser, and as a teaser, I think it does a fine job at getting me intrigued and overall pretty delighted to see another Thor adventure with Taika Waititi at the helm.

Thor: Love And Thunder hits theaters on July 8th.


Good Mourning

Yeah, not gonna lie, this looks pretty bad. I know I’ve said before that it’s hard to trust comedy trailers because the nature of trailer editing would require the timing of a joke to be ruined, but you can at least usually get an idea that a certain sequence or a line might be funny with context, and I’m just not getting that vibe from this. I haven’t been into Machine Gun Kelly’s whole…thing, music, acting, or otherwise, aside from maybe one or two exceptions, so there isn’t much in terms of appeal here for me.

Good Mourning opens in select theaters and VOD platforms on May 20th.


Senior Year

Man, it’s been so long since I’ve seen Rebel Wilson in anything that it was pretty jarring to see her look here. I feel like I haven’t seen a back-to-school comedy like this in a long time, I always think back to older comedies like Back To School or Billy Madison, but I like this setup here, there’s definitely room for some funny moments in regards to the culture clash. I can see the potential here, unlike in the trailer we just talked about. Hope it turns out good.

Senior Year will hit Netflix on May 13th.



You know I got to throw in some Indian films here every now and then. This one caught my eye, especially since Anurag Kashyap is involved in the writing department. I also like the use of a Jonny Greenwood piece from the You Were Never Really Here score for this. Gave things an intense vibe. I also think Anil Kapoor has been making some interesting choices recently, for better and for worse, so him being involved, even as a producer makes me intrigued. I’ll definitely be checking this one out.

Thar will be released on Netflix on May 3rd.


Love, Death + Robots Volume 3

I don’t think there was any new footage in this, I recognize most of the clips here from previous seasons, but that’s fine. While I might not necessarily love every single short, I love this show, I love the opportunity it gives animators to make something that is unique, idiosyncratic, crass, profound, whatever they want, without the constraints of making children’s entertainment, which it seems many people still view animation as. I’m hyped for this, can’t wait.

Love, Death + Robots will stream on Netflix on May 20th.


The Kids In The Hall

I’ve seen some tapes of Kids In The Hall when I was young, so I’m certainly eager to see these guys again. I had no idea a revival was even in the works. There doesn’t seem to be many comedy troupe shows these days, the last big one was probably  The Whitest Kids U Know, and sadly the guy who started it passed away late last year. It’s a form of comedy that I think is pretty underappreciated, there is a very different vibe to it than your typical variety or sketch show. I’ll be checking this out for sure.

The Kids In The Hall premieres on Amazon Prime on May 13th.


Thoughts on any of the trailers? Feel free to discuss in the comments!