
I’m glad to see Pixar commit to more original projects, especially after reading countless announcements yesterday about all the revivals and sequels and remakes that were coming to Paramount Plus. Obviously, the Disney machine is a big part of that too, but at least Pixar is still striving for new, original stories and ideas. I think what I’m liking about this the most is that it seems to steer at least a little bit away from the standard Pixar formula, it’s not a road movie where two characters of opposite personalities are forced to work out their differences while making their way back home. It does look cute and charming, and it’s nice to see something that feels more intimate in terms of its scope. I’m looking forward to this.

Luca hits theaters on June 18th.


Army Of The Dead

Forget Justice League, this has been the Zack Snyder project I’m been most anticipating this year. We finally have a taste, and man, this looks like a ton of fun. I really dug his remake of Dawn Of The Dead, and this looks like its going to double down on unabashed zombie mayhem. I find it kinda funny how whoever made this trailer must’ve been heavily influenced by the Suicide Squad trailer, since the text bits are pretty much an exact copy. Curious as to why that choice was made, but aside from that, this is a cool, little tease. I can’t wait to see more.

Army Of The Dead hits Netflix on May 21st.


A Week Away

A teen musical set in a Christian summer camp? Doesn’t sound like my cup of tea. It looks fine, I guess, if this seems like something you would normally enjoy. I do love musicals, but I can’t say I vibe with this one. But then again, I’m probably not the target audience here. Like I said, it looks harmless enough, there’s nothing about it that seems overtly bad or anything. So, if this seems like something you’d like, I hope you have a good time with it.

A Week Away will be available on Netflix on March 26th.


Six Minutes To Midnight

Does…Eddie Izzard not have a single line of dialogue in this trailer? I feel like there’s a little bit of audio when they start going over the cast, but nothing that I can see her say on screen. I find it strange when trailers do that. I doubt her character is a mute, considering what the film is about. Granted, I think it still looks good despite that, I love Eddie Izzard, the rest of the cast looks aces, and the premise is really interesting. This is one I’ll be keeping on my radar.

Six Minutes To Midnights hits select theaters and VOD platforms on March 26th.


Last Call

This seems to be the first big thing to feature Jeremy Piven since those sexual assault allegations back in 2017. I guess nothing came out of that, which isn’t too surprising, but considering the number of women to come forward, it is disappointing that he seems to be facing no consequences. And frankly, he is also the least interesting part of this whole trailer, which otherwise looks pretty decent. I find these kinds of stories pretty charming, but Piven being the lead just isn’t going it for me, and I honestly feel it would be the case even if it weren’t for the allegations. If you wanna see this, go wild, I ain’t stopping you, but I think I’ll be skipping this one.

Last Call opens in select theaters and VOD platforms on March 19th.



This had my attention from the get-go, I mean, from the producers of Turbo Kid, that sounds promising already. Though, once it got to the core premise, all it did was come across like the cheesy version of Peter Strickland’s immaculate horror comedy, In Fabric, which was one of very favorite films of 2019, the only difference being that film revolved around a dress while this is about a pair of pants. That said, I’m digging the shameless goofiness of it all. And while it may not have the style or clever commentary of In Fabric, as long as it’s funny, I’m willing to let a lot of things slide. Shudder originals can be hit-or-miss, but I’m hoping this one turns out fun.

Slaxx hits Shudder on March 18th.


Thoughts on any of the trailers? Feel free to discuss in the comments!