
Yeah, this looks really good. I remember hearing some pretty good things about this from its Sundance premiere, and I’m always curious to see whatever John Boyega does. Plus, you got the late great Michael K. Williams in one of his final roles, so obviously, that’s a big thing to look forward to. The premise is intriguing and gripping, the cast looks great, this is definitely one I’m going to be very excited to check out when it’s released.

Breaking hits theaters on August 26th.


Halloween Ends

I didn’t mind the last Halloween film at all, though I suppose I do understand why it may not have resonated with most folks, especially mainstream audiences who weren’t prepare for a mean and brutal middle chapter with some silly but classic horror sequel issues. Granted, it wasn’t like I was that hyped about the first in this trilogy either, I felt like its themes were fairly superficial and I wasn’t as invested, so I feel like my expectations are in check, especially for this one. I just want to see some cool slasher action, anything else will be icing on the cake.

Halloween Ends opens in theaters on October 14th.


Funny Pages

This is probably my favorite trailer out of all the ones here today. I love the way this looks and feels, it’s like a film I would’ve watched when I was younger on VHS. This is written and directed by Owen Kline, the kid from The Squid And The Whale, also Kevin Kline and Phoebe Cates’ kid. I just love the old school vibe to this, and I love stories about artists, especially in spaces like comics. I got quite a few laughs from this trailer as well. This definitely jumped up to being among my most anticipated films of the rest of the year.

Funny Pages opens in select theaters on August 26th.


Look Both Ways

Nice, two films for the price of one, or rather, it’s technically already paid for since it’s Netflix, but I’m really digging this gimmick, it’s certainly a timely one. Lili Reinhart is a good actress, and there’s definitely a lot of potential here. It’s also worth noting that this is directed by  Wanuri Kahiu, a filmmaker from Kenya who burst onto the scene a few years ago with Rafiki, which I still need to see. I hear it’s fantastic, so I will definitely check that out before I dive into this.

Look Both Ways hits Netflix on August 12th.


The Silent Twins

This looks really strong! I don’t know how we’re collectively supposed to feel about Letitia Wright, but she seems to be doing good work here. I don’t know about this story, so I did a quick skim of their Wikipedia page, and kinda spoiled myself, but whatever. The trailer feels weirdly inspiring considering how depressing the real story seems, but maybe there’s a clever angle at it. What I’m also interested in is the fact that this is directed by Agnieszka Smoczyńska, who made the wild Polish horror musical The Lure, which was awesome, so I can’t wait to see what she brings here. Curiously another story that involves the loss of voice.

The Silent Twins will be released in theaters on September 16th.


She Said

I’m into this in theory, but I don’t know, I feel like we’re still in the middle of all this, and we don’t really have the effect of hindsight to bring further insight to these stories. But maybe I’m wrong, I just feel Hollywood has yet to fully reckon with its past with figures like Weinstein, who is by no means the only one to do stuff like this, nor will he be the last to be revealed. It does look well made, well performed, I’m just curious what it’s adding to the overall conversation. Has a very police policing their own kinda vibe, but like I said, could be wrong, maybe there’s more to this than meets the eye. It’s a story that is worth telling, I just hope it’s told right.

She Said will be released in theaters on November 18th.


Thoughts on any of the trailers? Feel free to discuss in the comments!