Asteroid City

So, Wes Anderson has a new movie that is vaguely space related, and touches on 50s era sci-fi? I think this might become my new favorite of his. Obviously, Anderson’s style really shines through like he usually does, and the cast is totally stacked, but I’m most curious about him putting his feet into some science fiction, and how he’ll play in that sandbox. He’s not a filmmaker I would call a favorite, but he always interests me, and I can’t wait to see what he does next.

Asteroid City hits theaters on June 16th.


Master Gardener

From what I recall during this film’s festival run, the word wasn’t necessarily the best, and looking at the trailer, I can maybe see how this can come off as a bit derivative. If I didn’t already know it was Paul Schrader, I definitely could after the first few seconds. But it doesn’t look bad either. Joel Edgerton has interesting energy as a performer, I enjoyed Quintessa Swindell in Black Adam, what little she did get to do at least, and Sigourney Weaver is a legend. I’m keeping my fingers crossed on this one.

Master Gardener opens in theaters on May 19th.



So…what if Biodome but good? Is that the basic idea here? I’m not against it. Looking things up, this does appear to be a post-apocalyptic film, and it is going to be a two-hander between Duplass and Brown, both of whom are great, though Brown in particular seems to be having a field day here. I like a contained film from time to time, it can show a filmmaker’s creativity with a limited and repetitive environment. There’s potential here, I hope it pans out.

Biosphere opens in theaters on July 7th.



I’m a little baffled by this. The worldbuilding conceit is so hyper specific, so much thought is being put into this world, and its designs, all of which are amazing, and it’s all in service of…a pretty standard rom-com. Sure, I like rom-coms, and I’m sure I’ll be charmed by this, but this feels like a lot of work to put into a story that isn’t particularly fresh, like, what inspired this world to the filmmakers? What about it seemed like something they have to explore? It almost feels like a parody of the Pixar formula. But like I said, I’m sure it’ll be good and charming, and the animation is stunning enough that I’m sure it’ll distract me from some odd worldbuilding.

Elemental will be released in theaters on June 16th.


De Humani Corpis Fabrica

As someone who is totally fascinated with the human body, this is totally up my alley. I have on occasion watched surgery videos and other medical procedure videos, and…let’s just say it really puts things in perspective. I’m curious how this will play out as a film, will it be presented with stylistic touches, or will it keep the film artifice to a minimum? Definitely keeping my eye out for this one.

De Humani Corpis Fabrica opens in select theaters starting April 14th before expanding in the coming weeks.


Big Shark

I thought way too long trying to decide whether to include this. It was between this and the new Trolls movie, but since I had no thoughts whatsoever about Trolls, and I do about this while also not having a desire to see it, I might as well say my piece with it now. This looks bad, obviously, that’s not surprising, I feel any filmmaker known for making a legendarily terrible film being aware and encouraging of their own cult status is destined to make even worse films that try to capture that lightning in a bottle. Might as well have called the film, Oh Hi Shark. This is not going to be a new The Room, it’s just going to be a forgettable dumpster fire that is indistinguishable from other trash zero budget movies that come out on a regular basis. The only thing amusing about this is the fact that the entire second half of the video is devoted to an ad for underwear designed by Wiseau himself. Genuinely hilarious. 10 outta 10, no notes.

Big Shark will be playing in select theaters starting April 28th


Thoughts on any of the trailers? Feel free to discuss in the comments!