This is the one we’ve been waiting for! Warner Brothers finally unveiled the first trailer for James Wan’s Aquaman at SDCC. Let’s take a look:

This looks absolutely nuts. I’m in. Granted, “nuts” could be either good or bad, and I’m honestly not entirely sure which way this goes just yet. But it’s so unafraid to get weird that I am more than willing to go with it. Plus, despite having a lighter tone, it still has a vibe that is very different from Shazam.

James Wan clearly has the chops to pull off blockbuster spectacle, and some of the stuff I see here is very impressive, even if there is perhaps a tad too much CG, but considering the material, what else could you do? A few of the quips here are…questionable…in their execution, but that could just be the trailer editing messing with the timing. Aside from that, I don’t see any real reason to worry. I have faith in James Wan as a filmmaker, and it’s hard to get annoyed when Jason Momoa is having so much fun on screen.

Aquaman will hit theaters on December 21, 2018.