An interesting development was recently reported on Collider regarding the slate of future Star Wars films. Specifically, the spin-off Star Wars Stories, of which we have only had two released so far, Rogue One, and Solo.

According to Collider’s sources, Lucasfilm has put future Star Wars Stories on hold for the time being, instead putting more focus on Episode IX, the next trilogy, and the films from Rian Johnson, and whatever the Game of Thrones showrunners, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, are working on. Those later spin-offs are apparently still in active development.

And for those who were excited for an Obi-Wan film, or that recently announced Boba Fett film from James Mangold, I’m sorry to say you probably won’t hear much about that for a long time, if at all.

It’s honestly not too surprising at this decision given the underwhelming numbers that Solo did at the box office. While I’m sure some fans will be very disappointed by this, I think it’s ultimately for the best, especially since Lucasfilm has been dealing with a lot of troubles with various directors on these projects. The Last Jedi cemented the idea that the thing that will keep Star Wars going in the future is exploring new territories instead of dredging up the past. I don’t want to see characters I’ve already seen before explaining things about their history that I never wanted to know about to begin with. I want new ideas, new characters, new places, new things, and I hope Lucasfilm puts their energy into doing that, no matter what route they take with these films.

It should be stated that nothing here has been officially confirmed by Lucasfilm, as far as I know, so maybe this is simply one of several options that they’re considering. That is a possibility. We won’t know much else until they officially say something about it.

If you have any thoughts about this news, good or bad, feel free to discuss in the comments!