Sonic The Hedgehog 3

Honestly, I’m happy for Sonic fans. They seem to dig these movies, and it seems to be relatively faithful enough. These movies haven’t done a whole lot for me, but I hesitate to call them bad. So, I guess it’s gonna be more of the same. It looks well made, the actors are still bringing it. Not a whole lot else to comment on as someone who isn’t aware of the lore. Looks fine.

Sonic The Hedgehog 3 will be released in theaters on December 20th.


Exhibiting Forgiveness

This looks really good. Apparently, there was good word-of-mouth on this when it played at Sundance, so I’m glad it’s gotten the distribution it needed. Looks like a strong and compelling drama, and there’s a fantastic cast here. I feel like it’s been a bit since I’ve seen André Holland in something, so I’m glad to see him back and leading a film like this with a seemingly meaty role.

Exhibiting Forgiveness hits theaters on October 18th.


The Line

That certainly looks intense. I didn’t go to college, so I never got the whole fraternity experience, and it doesn’t seem like anything I’d even want to be a part of. But it definitely makes for good drama. Another film with a great cast. I’m kind of surprised this isn’t from a bigger distributor, I feel like it would’ve attracted the attention of the likes of A24 or Neon, but it is what it is, and it does look very good. I’ll be looking forward to this.

The Line opens in select theaters on October 18th.


In The Summers

Another pretty compelling looking drama. The only person I recognize here is Sasha Calle, who I’ve only seen in The Flash, and I kinda thought she deserved better than what that movie did. And I suppose this movie is a good palate cleanser for anyone who might be soured on her because of that movie. I don’t have a lot to add here cause the trailer shows everything you would want to know regarding the kind of movie you’re going into. I’ll be keeping my eye out for this.

In The Summers opens in select theaters on September 20th.


Emilia Pérez

I’ve quite enjoyed the works of Jacques Audiard, so I’m very much looking forward to this. Even if it weren’t for the hype that was already building since it premiered at Cannes. I’ve heard nothing but great things, and just from the trailer I can see why. It looks beautiful, there’s a good cast here, it has a really unique and ambitious vibe from the looks of it. So, yeah, it’s definitely one I was already excited about, and I’m just glad there’s finally a trailer that affirms my excitement.

Emilia Pérez hits select theaters on November 1st before streaming exclusively on Netflix starting November 13th.


The Lord Of The Rings: The War Of Rohirrim

This seems pretty…random? I guess that’s the word. I actually looked it up, and apparently this was fast-tracked into production so New Line wouldn’t lose the rights to the Lord Of The Rings property, which…doesn’t feel like the best starting point for any kind of art. But who knows, maybe there’s a vision here. I’m not familiar with this director, nor this story. Seems pretty cool, and well animated, and I guess I wouldn’t mind another trip to Peter Jackson’s version of Middle Earth, even if it is in anime form.

The Lord Of The Rings: The War Of Rohirrim hits theaters on December 12th.


Thoughts on any of the trailers? Feel free to discuss in the comments!