
Always in for new Steven Soderbergh, especially during this so-called “retirement period” where he seems to be putting out wild stuff every 6 months. I don’t think I even knew about this one, so always up for a pleasant surprise like this. Also, I’m so glad the pandemic restrictions aren’t being used as a crutch. Like, it’s clearly filmed during the pandemic, but it’s using creative filmmaking and genre elements to separate it from the usual dramedies we’ve been getting. This looks like fun, and I dig Zoë Kravitz, so consider me sold.

Kim hits HBO Max on February 10th.


A Banquet

OK, I’m intrigued. I don’t know this filmmaker, Ruth Paxton, but this trailer is doing some interesting things. I don’t think I’ve seen many horror movies, non-cannibal related, that have placed an emphasis on food and consuming, so I’m curious how much the film itself will lean on that. Can’t really make heads or tails as to what the plot is going to be, but that’s all well and good, the trailer does a good job at creating an eerie mood, especially with that music. Not sure what to expect, but I’ll definitely check this out.

A Banquet hits select theaters and VOD platforms on February 18th.


The Bob’s Burgers Movie

I’ve only seen a few episodes of Bob’s Burgers around when it first started airing, and I recall being fairly amused by them. Based on how much love they’ve been getting, I imagine the show has only gotten better, but I’m not likely to pick up where I left off. Hopefully, this movie will be one I can walk into without having been caught up with the show. It certainly looks like it, and it also seems like a standard “extended episode” kinda movie. Not that it’s inherently a bad thing, it’ll probably get the job done. As long as it’s funny, which I feel it might be. Surprised we got a theatrical Bob’s Burgers movie before Family Guy.

The Bob’s Burgers Movie will be released in theaters on May 27th.


Studio 666

Movies starring rock musicians, particularly ones as themselves are usually the cheesiest things ever, but there’s a charm to be found. This has that charm in spades, and it certainly helps that it’s clearly a very tongue-in-cheek genre exercise, plus you got some legit comedians involved. I’m very much looking forward to this. I’m surprised this is a full on wide release, and not some one-night Fathom Events thing. Haven’t really followed the Foo Fighters much past their first few albums, but I think I might go and have a listen of their recent discography.

Studio 666 opens in theaters on February 25th.


Catch The Fair One

I think the trailer is cut in a way that feels a bit too convoluted, at least, way more than the premise in the description (A Native American boxer embarks on the fight of her life when she goes in search of her missing sister.) would suggest. I think that dampers the trailer a bit, but it still looks like it has potential. Doesn’t look like the kind of film that pulls its punches, so I’m definitely curious.

Catch The Fair One opens in select theaters and VOD platforms on February 11th.



Man, they really fumbled by not calling this The Garbageman, he’s coming to take out the trash! I don’t know, guys, I’m all for some action junk, but this looks…not great. I like Adrien Brody well enough, and seeing him axe some dudes is pretty satisfying, but I’m just not getting a good vibe here. Maybe I’m just concerned about how it might handle the racial dynamics. Who knows? Maybe this will end up pretty fun. This isn’t the usual MO with IFC, so maybe there’s more to this than meets the eye, let’s hope.

Clean hits select theaters and VOD platforms on January 28th.