Honey Boy

So, apparently this movie written by Shia LaBeouf wrote, based on his own life…is amazing. Festival hype is a tricky thing, but I’ve kinda been sold on this when it was announced because it seemed like one of those ideas that was so bonkers in its inception that it could only come out either brilliant or a disaster, and this does not look like a disaster. Something something curiosity, something something attention.

Honey Boy will hit theaters on November 8th.


A Million Little Pieces

Bold choice to adapt A Million Little Pieces, and decide seemingly…not…to address the fact that the so-called memoir is largely fictionalized (do people still know this, or is that news too old for people now?). But at the same time, a good story is a good story, and Sam Taylor-Johnson looks like she’s doing some interesting things here. Unfortunately, I have heard that the word-of-mouth from its Toronto International Film Festival premiere is not particularly good. With this cast, I’ll give it a shot, but I’m not keeping my expectations high.

A Million Little Pieces will be released in theaters on December 6th.



I haven’t seen Dexter before, but I’ve had it described to me, isn’t this basically Dexter? I mean, I dig Sean William Scott, and it feels like it’s been a while since I’ve seen him in anything, so sure. Seeing him play a twisted serial killer who goes after abusive assholes could be fun, even if it comes across a bit too self-serious. I’ll keep an open mind.

Bloodline opens in theaters on September 20th.


Los Reyes

Oh my God. I want this, like, right now. This looks incredible, and I’m not just saying that because it’s a doc starring two good doggos. OK, so, maybe that is why I’m saying that, but still. It’s oddly refreshing to see a film about animals where it seems to center on them without elements such as family melodrama, voice over, and sappy music. It seems like the filmmakers here are letting the images speak for themselves, and that’s really interesting to me.

Los Reyes will open in LA on August 14th before expanding in the following weeks.


The Addams Family

Tacky use of rap aside, I’m kinda warming up to this. Although, I do wish it were hand drawn animation. 3D modeling doesn’t suit the original style of the comic very well. It all just looks unpleasant, and not in the way I think they intended. I like this property well enough, from the old TV show to the live action movies, so I guess I am curious to see how they bring it back for a new generation.

The Addams Family will be released in theaters on October 11th.


Mindhunter Season Two

I’m so excited for this. I loved the first season of Mindhunter. It’s incredibly engrossing, and with David Fincher returning to helm a couple episodes alongside Carl Franklin and Andrew freakin’ Dominik is incredibly awesome. The story looks great, I’m glad to see the returning characters, and I’m curious to see what Damon Herriman brings to Manson after playing the same guy in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, which is still such a fun coincidence.

Mindhunter Season Two hits Netflix on August 16th.


Thoughts on any of the trailers? Feel free to discuss in the comments!